Why support a menstruator in need?

In honor of Period Poverty Awareness Week, Fihri is launching a campaign to help the 5,000 students identified by 308 public and private school nurses in Free.'s period poverty needs assessment. 

Many people believe period poverty happens overseas but the unfortunate reality is it is prevalent here in our own communities. 

56% of school nurses reported that that nurses, teachers, or staff are using personal funds to provide period products for students.

Here is a list of towns and cities with the highest rates of students in need: 

Link to report

Periods don't take a summer break support over 5000 students in need.
Every student deserves to have a worry-free summer. 

Please sponsor a student today for $15 per month. 

At Fihri we only use sustainable period products and many of the vendors we use are small woman owned companies. $10 will get your student a reusable pouch, and pads, tampons and pantyliners. They get to choose because we believe there isn't one way to menstruate. $5 will help cover shipping costs. 

Is your company looking to provide a corporate sponsorship check out your options here: www.wearefihri.com

Together we can help our students in need be successful in their education, athletic programs, and allow them to just be kids this summer. 

To learn more about period poverty, the impact on students and the economy go to www.wearefihri.com


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